Karuniawati, Lina. 2019. An Analysis of Clitics in the Novel Allegiant by Veronica Roth. .

Keyword: Language, Clitic, Allegiant Novel

Language is needed for the people to communication. It is used to express and deliver the meaning through texts, both in written and spoken. Sometimes, the people face the difficulty when found the word even the sentence in different forms than regular form. In English language, which one has different form is clitics.

A clitic is a word or part of a word that is structurally dependent on its host and cannot stand on its own. Study clitics it is also important to support in understanding of language used. It is caused clitics which belonging to the structure of the morpheme and syntax.

The researcher was analyzed clitics in the Novel Allegiant by Veronica Roth. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research method to find out the types and the functions of English clitic. The source of data for this research is Chapter II (Tobias) of Allegiant Novel by Veronica Roth, whereas the data for the research comprise the sentences included the dialogues that contain English clitics.

The researcher found 47 clitics in whole Chapter II (Tobias). It was found two types of clitics which consists of in number one proclitic and 46 enclitics. Whereas was found three clitic functions. There were verbal function for the word has six variants encompassed (..‘d, ..’m, ..’s, ..’re, ..’ve, ..’ll) in number 27 enclitics, adverbial function (n’t) in number 15 enclitics, and prepositional function for the word has two variants encompassed (o’.., genitive (s)) in number five clitics, there were four as enclitic and only one as proclitic. From the conclusion of this research, the researcher suggests for the readers to interest in evolving this topic, and this research hopefully would be useful for the English lecturer, English students and other researcher who’s interested in analyzing English clitics.

